Statistical Physics Group


The Statistical Physics Group is part of the Institute of Physics Research of Mar del Plata (IFIMAR), located in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This complex belongs to the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP). Our main activity is basic research, we employ analytical and numerical techniques in various themes introduced in this page.

We study diffusion and transport processes of interacting particles and chains of particles from a basic point of view, using analytical and numerical methods. To do this we develop models that take into account the relevant mechanisms (usually at a microscopic level) that appear on each specific system that we plan to study. The general purpose is to contribute to a better understanding of the role of these mechanisms in the behavior (usually at a macroscopic level) of these systems. The processes in which we focus attention are: diffusion of interacting particles, diffusion in confined spaces, such as tubes or narrow channels; anomalous diffusion modulated by periodic oscillations; and diffusion and transport of chains of particles. We also study the dynamics of domain walls in magnetic materials. Simulating the walls and developing the theory, we aim to explain the phenomena observed by collaborative groups.


3350, Dean Funes St. (ZIP 7600)

Mar del Plata – Buenos Aires



Phone: +54 9 223 475 5507

Fax: +54 9 223 475 5507 (int. 22)